CNC Machines
​5 Axis machinery:​
2X NX400A and Tuscan Integrated Automated CNC 5 Axis milling machines each with 40 palleted vices
2 x DMG MORI DMU40 EVO linear 5-Axis CNC full simultaneous milling
1 x NFX 380A 5-Axis CNC full simultaneous milling
1 x Rema R5A.6 5-Axis CNC full simultaneous milling
3+4 Axis machinery:
1 x Quaser Fastcut MV134E (TNC620 bed size 600mm x 550mm)
1 x VMC 1000 Digital Spindle 12000rpm with fully integrated 4th axis
1 x VMC 600 Digital Spindle 10000rpm with fully integrated 4th axis
2 x VMC 600 Digital Spindle 6000rpm
2 x VMC 600 Digital Spindle 10000rpm
4 x VMC 500 Digital Spindle 10000rpm
1 x VMC 500 Digital Spindle 12000rpm
1 x Bridgeport TNC 370 Open bed Cnc mill
1 x Bridgeport Interact with table travel X500 x Y300 x Z550mm
1 x Cincinnati CNC Machining Centre with table travel of X800 x Y500 x Z650mm
CMM - TESA with Renishaw Probing
Bridgeport Mill table 1 mtr x 500 with compoundable head and Heidenhain DRO
Axmin Mill with rigid tapping with variable speed
Turning up to dia 8” pro accurate DRO
Jones & Shipman surface grinder with cylindrical indexer attachment
Off hand grinders/linishers and pillar drills/Bandsaws/chopsaw.
Bead Blast Cabinet internal dimensions 500x300x300mm
Nitron XL2 980 GOLDD GOLD-D Alloy Analyser
Leeb Surface Hardness Tester
TMX65-A (60W air cooled) Laser Cutting Machine
Laser Engraving Machine